
Title Home


Peter Zizka


Web Page


Peter Zizka

Item Type

Web Page

Abstract Note

Twenty years ago, Willimantic historian Tom Beardsley founded THREADCITY. Over a five year period the site grew as photos and Tom’s many newspaper articles and historical accounts were added. In 2005 Tom asked me to take over when he left Connecticut. I wrote a few articles and added over a thousand new photos to the site. Last year, after some real technical difficulties, especially with the photo galleries, our webmaster gave up on the project.

Knowing that so many people enjoyed the Threadcity site and found it very helpful in learning about Willimantic/Windham history, I’ve been trying to get threadcity up and running again.

When navigating the site, please e-mail me if you find any links that are not working (but note that not everything listed on the home page has yet been linked). When viewing Tom's "Chronicle" articles page, note that I've tried to alphabetize the articles but they are also listed chronologically. A few are unavailable

As of 4 August, 2020 :
1) 1,806 photos are available in galleries. Some may be duplicates in different galleries.
2) About 100 more photos will be added to various galleries
3) The next step will be to add captions to as many as possible.
4) Some photos are part of a series or have been used in articles/material that have been written. As I find these, I will put links to the material on the gallery photos. Most of the photos l have no captions so if you recognize one and have some information about it, please let me know so I can add a caption.

Title Home



Peter Zizka, “ Home,” History Digitized, accessed October 22, 2024,