Prominent Citizens

cropped town report photo of dunn.jpg

Black and white photo of Daniel Dunn. Found in the 1911 "Annual Statement of the Mayor."

Notable People

  We are fortunate to have a variety of sources about the history of Willimantic in 1910. Most of these sources focus on individuals who led distinctive lives, who held multiple offices and were active in public life. Some specific names will be familiar to Willimantic locals: Barrows, Chaffee, Hosmer, Vanderman, Chapman... Most of these prominent people had similar jobs and roles, which suggests that some jobs were an entry way to others or that they held multiple positions at the same time. The Connecticut State Register and Manual, the city directory, The Willimantic Chronicle, and the Annual Report of the Selectmen of Windham give us a glimpse as to who these individuals were:

  • William Ansel Arnold (Job titles: Attorney, Judge and Clerk, Justice of Peace, Notary Public)
  • Andrew Bowen (Job titles: Attorney, Referee in Bankruptcy, Justice of Peace, Notary Public)
  • E. Frank Bugbee (Job titles: Attorney, Prosecuting Attorney, Justice of Peace, Notaries Public)
  • Charles A. Capen (Job titles: Attorney, CT Agricultural College and Experiment Station Sec., Agent Town Deposit Fund, Assistant Clerk, Justice of Peace, Notary Public, Attorney)
  • Patrick Danahey (Job titles: Attorney, Justice of Peace, Notary Public)
  • Curtis Dean (Job titles: Attorney, School Committee, Justice of Peace)
  • Daniel P. Dunn (Job titles: Merchant, County Auditor, Comptroller, Mayor) - an exhibit about Daniel P. Dunn is here.
  • Frank P. Fenton (Job titles: Reg. and Treas., Clerk, Deputy Judge, Justice of Peace, Notaries Public)
  • Samuel B. Harvey (Job titles: Attorney, CT Humane Society, School Committee, Justice of Peace, Notary Public, Attorney)
  • William J. Hastings (Job titles: Special Protector via Fish and Game Wardens, Cons., Coll., Tree Warden, Court Messanger)
  • George E. Hinman (Job titles: Engrossing Clerk, Republican State Central Sec., County Health Officer, Attorney, Justice of Peace, Notary Public, County Health Officer)
  • Thomas J. Kelley (Job titles: Attorney, Democratic Central, School Committee, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Justice of Peace, Notary Public, County Auditor)
  • James A. Shea (Job titles: Attorney, Deputy Judge, Clerk, Probate Court, Justice of Peace, Notary Public)
  • Wade U. Webster (Job titles: Notary Public, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, Fire Marshall, Inspector of Buildings, Superintendent of Fire Alarms)
  • Frederick E. Wilcox (Job titles: M.D., Norwich Hospital for the Insane, Town Health Officer)

Prominent Citizens