Browse Exhibits (3 total)

Incandescent Light: A Willimantic Display


This story on incandescent lighting in the Willimantic Linen Company Mills was written by Richard Freebairn for HIS388: Digital Windham in Fall 2020, and put online by Dr. Ostwald.

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Union Train Station and Depot

depot one ground view.jpg

This exhibit will encapsulate the different series of stations that have existed in Willimantic and the different events that occurred there. The focus will be on passenger connections and famous visitors to the station.This is the story of Willimantic's Union Station which was written and put online by Madison Cotner, for Eastern's HIS388: Digital Windham, in Fall 2021. 

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Windham County Courthouse and Town Hall


This history of the Windham County Courthouse and Town Hall  was written by Max Turner in HIS388: Digital Windham in Fall 2020, and put online by Willard Brin.

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