Browse Items (36 total)

Bird's Eye View of Willimantic Postcard 1908.PNG
Color postcard of Willimantic, Ct. Looking South West from top of New Chimney.

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Bird's Eye View of Willimantic Postcard 1909.PNG
Black and white postcard of the Willimantic, Ct. Looking South East from top of New Chimney.

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Bird's Eye View of Willimantic Postcard 1908a.PNG
Color postcard of Willimantic, Ct. Looking North west from top of New Chimney.

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Bird's Eye View of Willimantic Postcard Northeast 1908.PNG
Color postcard of Willimantic, Ct. Looking North east from top of New Chimney.

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Map of the bridges across the Willimantic River in Willimantic, CT


1910 Willimantic African Americans.png
Graduated symbol map showing location and size of African American households in 1910 Willimantic


Detail of GF Cram Connecticut map 1901_medium.png
Map illustrating the railways passing through Willimantic


Detail of Willimantic in Mendenhall's guide, road map Connecticut 1909_medium.png
Road map of Connecticut, with numbered 'routes' indicating routes suggested by Mendenhall


Map showing building footprints of Willimantic circa 1910 (based on Sanborn 1908 map), indicating buildings that supported horse transport, railroads, and automobiles




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