Improvements: Main Street

  In the Annual Statement of the Mayor of the City of Willimantic for the Year Ending in October 31st, 1909, there is a report from the Superintendent of Streets (Charles H. Latham) regarding the improvements made to Main Street as well. 


West Main Street
  • The trolley line to South Coventry was built by the Railroad company who also filled the roadbed.
  • The roadway was also filled with 650 feet of stone by the street department the main highway was macadamized from the lower end along the cemetery.
  • A top dressing of trap rock was put on to make a hard surface and the result was an excellent piece of road.
Main Street
  •  In a special contract outside of the jurisdiction of the department of streets, Main Street was block paved from the junction of Main and Union to the west crossing at the head of Railroad street.
  • A layer of trap rock was laid.