
World W.jpg

This is a photo of a membership card for the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Sourced from: Flickr

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was a female organization dedicated to banning 'demon rum.' This certainly pairs well with the overall initiatives across the country in protesting the use of alcohol!  The Women's Temperance Union gathered in Union Hall located in 140 Valley Street. 

Compared to the number of saloons located in Willimantic, which was roughly twenty-six in total, this temperance society was definitely outnumbered. In this period, the annual state publication, the Connecticut State Register and Manual, included the tallies of town votes on allowing a "license for sale of intoxicating liquors." Windham received 951 'yes' votes in 1909 to only 462 'no' votes (p. 503).


Map of the location of the Temperance meeting hall relative to the location of saloons. Map by Jamel Ostwald.