Historical Context


This photograph depicts the Boy Scouts of America, an organization that was nationally founded in 1910. Photo sourced from: historyoftheday.com

Getting Involved and Becoming United

  In the early 20th century, organizations, town amenities, and societies were a great way to be involved in one’s community and experience many different cultures and values. Several different factors gave rise to different organizations, societies, and local amenities. Some of them were based on religion, gender, occupation, finances, insurance, and fraternal organizations such as the Masons. There were also recreational organizations and societies. Local amenities in most communities included the library and a theater. With Prohibition just around the corner, the nation also began to see temperance societies form.

Why Societies and Organizations?

  On a national level, societies and organizations were created for numerous reasons. It is said that a missionary spirit enveloped much of America as religious leaders sought to spread various Christian doctrines to people across the country, leading to the creation of religious-based organizations. Temperance societies made vows to ban the sale and distribution of alcohol. Boys and girls across the nation joined the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, two popular organizations that sought to build character in their participants. Most importantly, with the introduction of labor laws and a growing middle class, America was able develop an affinity for leisure time. With the newfound leisure time, many found themselves wanting to gather with others based on their common interests. Hence, why there was such a boom in extracurricular activities.

Historical Context