Financial and Insurance-Based Societies and or Organizations

    Did you know that there was no such thing as social security at this time? Which is why benefit societies were gaining popularity across America. In fact, Willimantic in 1910 housed many financial and insurance-based societies and organizations. One of the most well-known during this time period was the American Benefit Society, which provided both financial and insurance benefits to its members. The Ancient Order of United Workmen also provided both financial and insurance benefits for laborers. There were other societies and organizations during this era that solely focused on either financial benefits or insurances benefits. For instance, the Foresters of America, Independent Order of Foresters, Knights of the Maccabees, and Willimantic Board of Underwriters were all known for their insurance-based benefits and aid to their communities. However, the Modern Woodmen of America and Royal Arcanum were offering financial benefits and assistance only. The United Order of the Golden Cross was another fraternal beneficial organization - its news journal from the period can be read here.


Table that shows the meeting times and places as well as types of some organizations in Willimantic on 1910. Table created by Emma Dashnaw in Excel.

Willimantic and Culture
Financial and Insurance Societies/Organizations