Crime: Causes for Arrest


Black and white photograph taken in 1890 of Willimantic Police Officers in front of the old town hall located in Church Street. Courtesy of:


Photograph of Willimantic Police Officers, date unknown. Courtesy of: Peter Bolduc and sourced from

Causes for Arrest

According to a report written by the Captain of Police in November 1st, 1909, the causes for the 503 arrests recorded in the year ending on October 31st of 1909 were: 

  • Assault: 22
  • Assault and larceny: 3
  • Assault with intent to kill: 1
  • Begging: 1
  • Burglary: 2
  • Breaking and entering: 6
  • Breach of peace: 15
  • Breach of peace and carrying concealed weapon: 1
  • Carry concealed weapon: 2
  • Cruelty to animals: 1
  • Common drunkard: 5
  • Delirium tremens: 1
  • Defrauding board house keeper: 2
  • Defrauding board house keeper and larceny: 1
  • Defrauding hotel keeper: 3
  • Drunkenness: 253
  • Drunk and begging:2
  • Drunk and vagrancy: 1
  • Drunk and resistance to officer: 2
  • Drunk and carrying concealed weapon: 1
  • Drunk and breach of peace: 33
  • Drunk and assault: 3
  • Fraud: 2
  • Fugitive from justice: 2
  • Horse stealing: 1
  • Insane: 14
  • Incorrigible minor: 4
  • Keeping disorderly house: 2
  • Larceny: 11
  • Mittimus: 2
  • Minors loitering in saloon: 1
  • Non-support: 6
  • Non-payment of tax: 1
  • Obstructing and resistance to officer: 1
  • Peddling without license: 6
  • Receiving and concealing stolen goods: 2
  • Resistance to officer: 3
  • Runaway boys: 5 
  • Stealing fruit: 1
  • Suspicious persons: 17
  • Theft from the person: 1
  • Trespass on railroad: 39
  • Vagrancy: 6
  • Violating game law: 1
  • Violating liquor law: 2
  • Violating term of probation: 10
  • Violation of order from health authorities: 1
  • Willfull injury to private property: 4

Total arrests: 503

Willimantic Police Department
Crime: Causes for Arrest