Fire Alarm Locations


A 1910 fire alarm telegraph station that was located at the City of Yakima in Washington state. This fire alarm was created by Gamewell Fire Alarm and Telegraph Co. which in the early 20th century produced the majority of fire alarms. By 1910, the company had 95% of market share. Hence, it is very likely there were fire alarm boxes produced by this company in Willimantic at the time. Photo sourced from the Yakima Fire Department in Twitter.


Fire alarm box in Willimantic in the corner of Valley and High Streets. Photograph taken by: Paula Hernandez Aulet in 05/11/23


According to Ron Robillard, the purpose of the alarm system was to notify the mills that furnished water to hydrants to start their pumps. Two rounds of the box meant for the mills to start their pumps, and one signified to stop. In the beginning of the alarm system, Willimantic was divided into three districts. Later in 1881, it was divided into six fire districts in which each had at least one fire alarm.  

Location of Fire Boxes in Town

  • 13 West Main «street, near C. M. Holbrook’s.
  • 14 Junction streets, near Town Farm.
  • 15 Corner Main and Winter streets.
  • 16 Corner Prospect street and Mansfield avenue.
  • 17 Corner Windham and Valley streets.
  • 21 Corner Bridge and River streets.
  • 23 Corner Prospect and High streets.
  • 24 South side of Main street at foot of High Street.
  • 26 Corner Valley and Walnut streets.
  • 28 Corner Walnut and Summit streets.
  • 32 Bank street Engine House.
  • 34 Corner Valley and North streets.
  • 35 Corner Lebanon avenue and Pleasant street.
  • 36 Electric Light Station. (Private.) ,
  • 42 Corner Pleasant and South streets.
  • 43 South Side of Main street, at foot of Church street.
  • 46 Corner Prospect and Church streets.
  • 51 Corner Pleasant and Park streets.
  • 52 Corner Fairview street and Quercus avenue.
  • 63 Corner Valley and Jackson streets.
  • 54 Corner Main and Jackson streets
  • 56 Corner Summit and Jackson streets.
  • 61 South side of Main street, near American Thread Company’s Office.
  • 63 Corner Jackson and Ash streets.
  • 73 Main street, at the foot of Ash street.
  • 83 American Thread Co., No. 4 mill. (Private.)

These locations were also indicated on the Sanborn maps.

Willimantic Fire Department
Fire Alarm Locations